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(1 edit)

This game is super cute! The music is perfect, the animations are wonderful. And the sounds little Gumdrop makes? Adorable!

EDIT: Reminds me of an old game called Parachute Ninja (same idea, ball character being thrown upwards through a forest by rubber bands)

Thanks! Our musician will be excited to hear that, I can tell :D

Art: 10/10

Music/audio: Can't tell because my PC volume is at 0% because I played it at work

Gameplay: 10/10

This was a lot of fun and I love the pixel art. Didn't check the secret because I was too afraid I'd fall all the way down.

(2 edits)

So happy to see a Within the Deep Forest reference! I thought the opening dialogue couldn’t be a coincidence with the protagonist being a ball (oh and the lanterns too!), but the credits confirm it was intentional. Well done.

Thanks! By the way, are you from Nifflas’ discord? Because if not, then I’m even more glad to see somebody recognize Nifflas’ work! (I’m glad to see a fan of Nifflas either way btw)

I just happened to stumble upon this when browsing new games but it sounds like they would appreciate it over there!

9/10 good game
minus 1 point cause no GUNS

Deleted 189 days ago